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Published date: January 15, 2025


Danny Lu
Property Stayed (December, 2024)
Experience of the stay
札幌の中心部に位置するフェアフィールド・バイ・マリオット札幌は、まさに都市探検の理想的な拠点でした。地下鉄の駅が3つも徒歩圏内にあり、札幌のランドマークである札幌テレビ塔やショッピングの聖地・狸小路商店街まで、すぐそこという絶好のロケーション。 マリオットグループのビジネスホテルとして、華美な装飾こそありませんが、その代わりに実用的で快適な空間が用意されています。広々とした客室には必要なアメニティが全て揃っており、まさに「あったらいいな」が全部そろった居心地の良い空間でした。 特に心に残ったのは、スタッフの親身な対応です。妻が神社参拝の途中、凍結した道で転んでしまった時のこと。フロントスタッフは直ちに車椅子を用意してくれただけでなく、アイシング用の氷の提供方法まで丁寧に説明してくれました。このような温かいおもてなしに、深く感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになりました。 Nestled in the heart of Sapporo, the Fairfield by Marriott Sapporo proved to be our perfect urban sanctuary. The location is nothing short of spectacular - with three subway stations within walking distance, the iconic Sapporo TV Tower just around the corner, and the bustling Tanukikoji Shopping Street at our doorstep, we couldn't have asked for a better base to explore the city. As a mid-range business hotel in the Marriott family, this property might not dazzle with luxury, but it absolutely shines in practical comfort. Our room was surprisingly spacious, equipped with every amenity you could think of - a testament to thoughtful Japanese hospitality where functionality meets comfort. But it was during an unexpected incident that the hotel truly showed its heart of gold. When my wife slipped on some ice during our visit to a nearby shrine, the front desk staff's response was remarkable. They immediately provided a wheelchair and detailed guidance about ice pack usage, showing genuine concern for her well-being. This level of attentive care transformed what could have been a distressing situation into a touching display of Japanese omotenashi (hospitality). While the hotel may position itself as a business accommodation, our experience revealed it to be much more - a place where practical comfort meets genuine care, making it an ideal choice for any traveler seeking a reliable and warm-hearted stay in Sapporo.
Experiences during the trip
年末年始の札幌で過ごした四日間は、まるで白銀の世界への冒険のようでした。狸小路商店街の賑やかな通りを歩きながら、地元グルメを堪能し、札幌テレビ塔からは雪化粧した街並みを一望。歴史ある北海道大学のキャンパスでは、雪の積もった銀杏並木が静かな美しさを見せてくれました。 重厚な建築美を誇る北海道旧本庁舎や、街のシンボル札幌時計台も、冬の装いをまとって一段と風格を増していました。JRで30分ほどの小樽へ足を延ばし、ノスタルジックな運河沿いの散策も楽しみました。 確かに、お正月で閉まっているお店や施設も多かったのですが、それもまた特別な経験。亜熱帯の台湾から来た私たちにとって、まちじゅうを覆う真っ白な雪景色は、まるでファンタジー映画のような魅惑的な光景でした。 Our four-day sojourn in Sapporo during the New Year period transformed into an enchanting journey through a winter wonderland. The vibrant Tanukikoji Shopping Street buzzed with energy as we sampled local delicacies, while the Sapporo TV Tower offered breathtaking views of the snow-blanketed cityscape below. Walking through the historic Hokkaido University campus, we were mesmerized by the ginkgo trees wearing their winter white coats, creating a serene and picturesque scene. The majestic Former Hokkaido Government Office Building stood proudly in its snow-covered glory, while the iconic Sapporo Clock Tower seemed to tell tales of winters past. A short 30-minute JR train ride took us to the charming canal city of Otaru, where the historic waterway painted a nostalgic picture of Japan's romantic past. While many shops and exhibitions were closed for the New Year holidays, this didn't dampen our spirits - in fact, it added a unique charm to our experience. For us Taiwanese visitors, more accustomed to subtropical climates, the snow-covered landscapes of Hokkaido were nothing short of magical. Every snowflake, every frozen breath in the crisp winter air reminded us that we were experiencing something truly special - a winter tale that we'll cherish forever.
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Danny Lu